柯明|Ming ke

Je fine art Gallery’s art world


1980 生于湖北黄石,2005 毕业于湖北美术学院油画系,2007 毕业于慕尼黑美术学院。

柯明对现代抽象艺术进行了深刻的理解,并得到了德国抽象艺术的真传。他善于将外部的一部分经验,跟自己的生命体验进行融合,然后带进艺术作品之中,使其作品具有特有的温度和态度。80后的柯明,非常关注当下的人文情怀和人类社会的深层问题,以及充满 对大自然的敬畏之心。他总能巧妙地从当下社会现场吸取一种能 量,又灵活运用各种媒介转换这种能量。

Well trained in German abstract art, Ke Ming has a profound understanding of modern abstract art. He is good at synthesizing external experiences and his own life experience, and integrate the elements into his artworks. His works therefore have both warmth and a sense of attitude. Belonging to the generation born in the 1980s, Ke is interested in social problems and contemporary humanist spirits. Meanwhile, he views nature with awe. He can always acquire certain energy from society and then transform the energy by exibly employing various artistic media.

无题 Untitled | 综合材料 Mixed media | 50 x 50 cm | 2017 | 柯明 ke Ming_________________________________________________________________________________________


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