共同的记忆——摄影作品第二季 La mémoire collective

Je fine art Gallery’s art world

共同的记忆 横版


共同的记忆——摄影作品第二季 | La mémoire collective

杉本博司/常易/张巍 | Hiroshi Sugimoto/Christian Chambenoit/Zhang Wei

2017.09.13 - 2017.10.19

法国哲学家和社会学家Maurice Halbwachs在1925年发明了mémoire collective这个词,我把它译为“共同的记忆”。在今天,粗粗一扫历史研究类的文章,总是能看到类似于“集体记忆”的词,虽然被广泛地应用,但对它的理解并不是没有争议的,它的解读也往往需要在众多不同理论框架中选择一个。可是仅仅只选择一个的话,在我们看着这些展出作品的时候,会显得有些单薄。既然如此,不如就让我们保持一些对“共同的记忆”的朦胧感,如同诗人对待文字一般。

The French philosopher and sociologist Maurice Halbwachs coined the term mémoire collective (collective memory) in his book Les Cadres sociaux de la mémoire in 1925. Today, it is almost impossible to read a text in history that does not mention the term. Despite its popularity, it is not a term of undisputable meanings. Its interpretation often requires a selection out of several different theoretical frameworks and none is sufficient alone to explain the visual experience we would have with the exhibited photographs. Nevertheless, we can take a much broader definition of the term and can approach the artworks, in the manner a poet approaches words.


杜若云章画廊 | Je Fine Art Gallery

上海市永嘉路498号 | 498 Yongjia Rd, Shanghai

周二 - 周日 11:00 - 18:00 (周一休息) | Tue - Sun 11.00 - 18.00 (Closed on Mondays)

更多艺术家信息 | About the Artist



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