杉本博司 | Hiroshi Sugimoto

Je fine art Gallery’s art world

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Sugimoto´s work is not only a photograph but also an art which witnesses and reflects on time and life. Seascape series is an ongoing ritual performed by Sugimoto over a time span of twenty years. Places shift and time elapses but the horizon stays in his seascapes.

His works are negotiations between destruction and survival, between life and death. He understands that photography, although deemed to be a faithful recorder of reality, has the power to deceive the eye and to coat the frailty. “Civilisation” is a powerful word of human invention, but it will eventually cease to exist under the last judgement of Time.



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黑白之界 | 摄影收藏分享, 2019

被动的仪式 | 杉本博司摄影作品; A Ritual of Exposures, 2017

知识贴 | "被动的仪式"杉本博司摄影作品


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