村上隆 | Murakami Takashi

Je fine art Gallery’s art world


前有安迪·沃霍尔(AndyWarhol),后有村上隆(Murakami Takashi)。商业元素和消费文化是他们的艺术创作中不可分离、乃至致力于探索的部分。要说模糊高雅艺术和通俗文化的界限,安迪·沃霍尔不是第一个,村上隆也绝对不是。但能把超通俗、超商业、超“幼稚”的视觉艺术带到凡尔赛宫展出,之后还正儿八经地发表《幼稚力宣言》的,村上隆可谓是独一无二。


Andy Warhol of the west and Takashi Murakami of the east, are icons of consumerism arts of different generations. Speaking of blurring the line between high arts and popular culture, Warhol was not the first one to practice, and neither was Murakami. However, being so “serious”and so successful as far as to bring the super-pop, super-commercial and super-“childish”arts into an iconic domain of high arts and cultures like the Versailles,Murakami is the unique one.

Born in the after-war Tokyo, Murakami encountered the age of rapid economic development and the explosion of consumerism. He is one of the few Japanese contemporary artists who managed to use Japan-oriented pop culture as the subject of his arts and landed it onto an international stage. Japanese Animation, Comics and Game, the famous abbreviation being ACG, influenced Murakami deeply from a very young age, and later on became the major inspiration of his. Before releasing The Declaration of the Power of Childishness, the artist had released The Declaration of the Super-flat in1996, and in it he said, “the future society, custom, arts and cultures will all be like Japan, extremely two-dimensional…Nowadays, Japanese video games and cartoons are able to show such features, which exert impressive power to theworld.”



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超幼稚!?|村上隆作品收藏展, 2016




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