阿美迪欧 · 莫迪里阿尼 | Amedeo Modigliani

Je fine art Gallery’s art world


阿美迪欧·莫蒂里安尼,意大利表现主义画家与雕塑家,犹太人。莫蒂里安尼受到 19 世纪末期新印象派影响,以及同时期的非洲艺术、立体 主义等艺术流派刺激,创作出深具个人风格,以优美弧形为特色的人物肖像画,而成为表现主义画派的代表艺术家之一。 莫蒂理安尼长期生活在穷困与疾病之中,留下的文字资料有限,因此关于他本人的轶事传说十分多。其中,他与巴伯罗·毕加索的友谊、未 完成的雕塑梦想,以及与珍妮·耶布特奴传奇性的恋情,仍是巴黎蒙马特与绘画界脍炙人口的故事与话题。

Amedeo Modigliani was born in Tuscany, and he had a strong Jewish heritage as influenced by his family. He was raised in Livorno, a small yet thriving city in Italy. During his childhood years, Modigliani lived in the city of Livorno that was known to be the centre of commerce famous for shipwrighting and seafaring. However, the city had a longer history of being a place of refuge for people that were harshly persecuted for practicing their religion. In fact, Solomon Garsin, Modigliani's great-great-grandfather was a Jewish refugee who transferred to Livorno during the 18th century.


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