巴勃罗·毕加索 | Pablo Picasso
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毕加索的创作生涯伴随他的一生,从8岁至92岁,从未停止艺术创作。直到临终他都保持着不断创新的精神,可以说是近代最高产的艺术家之一。他一生中创造了超过6万件作品,横跨不同风格,创作速度也十分迅速, 他曾说:“我思考的速度非常快,而我的手会配合思考的速度。”毕加索创作的风格从未固定,一直不断变化,可以说他的一生都是不断寻找不断创新的过程。
毕加索作为20世纪前期最重要的艺术家之一。和乔治.布拉克(Georges Barque)同为立体主义的奠基人 。毕加索一生创作风格多变并致力于探索艺术风格的变化,但在众多风格中又保持了自己特色。
Pablo Picasso never stopped artistic creation for almost all of his life. He is probably one of the most productive artists, creating around 60,000 pieces works traversing various genres throughout his life. Picasso once said that I create in a very fast way, and my hand response to the speed I think." As one of the most important artists during the early 20th century, Picasso and Georges Barque were the founders of Cubism.
原始想象力;The Natural of Creativity, 2019
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