戴耘 | Yun Dai

Je fine art Gallery’s art world



戴耘从2006年起开始以独创的转材料进行雕塑创作,对世界各地博物馆的经典文物进行重仿再造,通过独特的视觉语言形式与传统和历史对话。他的作品直接呈现了砖这一工业产品,并未抹去其质感和痕迹,而作品本质上的手工性和唯一性使得创作者的感情和精神注入其中,其实是对材料背后精神所指的反叛。出生在古都西安的戴耘自幼常出入博物馆,对汉唐文物及广泛的历史文物颇有感情。戴耘认为,在大众文化对传统文化进行消解的当下,我们还需要再认识传统,于是他将经典运用现代化材料重构然后通过雕塑呈现这一强烈反差,引发观者的思考 。

Born and raised in Xi’an, the ancient capital of China, Dai Yun has an affinity for the antiquity of Han and Tang Dynasty. Facing the rise of mass popular culture and the decline of the traditional, Dai attempts to shift our attention back to tradition and history. He recreates antiques such as the head of Cleopatra and the Han Dynasty horse bust with red brick. The idea of using red brick as material for sculpture came into Dai Yun’s mind in 2006. He has since created series of red brick sculptures. The outcome is an interesting contrast between the product of modern industrialization and the antique nature of the subject forces us to question the relationship between history and the contemporary.



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皇庭广场公共艺术项目 | 狂想曲·深圳站;Rhapsody Contemporary Art Group Exhibition,2018


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