两小无猜 - 童趣屋498号 Innocent Love

Je fine art Gallery’s art world



两小无猜 | Innocent Love

童趣屋498号 | No. 498 House is Full of Childness and Playfulness

2017.07.05 - 2017.07.30



All those naive thoughts and unfettered emotions always, sometimes unintentionally, moved us. Looking back to the path of developing, we gained and we lost. We made a few jokes, wiped a few tears, yet deep down we felt ourselves transforming, learning and feeling along the way. Being touched by tiny incidents in daily life is worth praising for, especially when one is no longer an innocent child. Artists like to depict “Children”, not only to present that they are still little kids within but also to evoke the viewers’ childlike simplicity hidden beneath their maturity.

This time, JE Fine Art Gallery will be showing the works of six talented Japanese young artists, primarily the works produced by Abe Nyubo and Ikumi Nakada. This exhibition will definitely be a visual feast for those who seek to revisit their childish artlessness back in the early years.

杜若云章画廊 | Je Fine Art Gallery

上海市永嘉路498号 | 498 Yongjia Rd, Shanghai

周二 - 周日 11:00 - 18:00 (周一休息) | Tue - Sun 11.00 - 18.00 (Closed on Mondays)

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