传统的湿法摄影 | 法国艺术家Christian Chambenoit

Je fine art Gallery’s art world

文 | Gwen ( Je Young Professionals)

来自法国的Christian Chambenoit有个中文名字,叫常易。在巴黎获取摄影及电影的硕士学位后,便以摄影为生,也常作画,在中国台湾生活了12年。2007年和家人移居上海。常易在上海火车站旁的创意园区,有一间自己的摄影工作室。他曾为多本国际知名时尚杂志与传播机构提供封面摄影并担任艺术总监,目前以自由摄影师身份游走于时尚、商业与艺术摄影之间。


常易镜头所关注的常常是一些微小的生命,带有金属质感的小虫子, 蝴蝶等等。湿法摄影术给予这些不为人们所留心的小生命一种隽永的、画一般的美感,更仿佛来自古老的自然博物馆,穿越时空,呈现在大家面前。驻足他的摄影作品前,感受到的已不仅仅是粗浅的“复古”体验,而是一种神秘的、对生命的凝视。

French artist Christian Chambenoit has a Chinese name, Changyi. He lived in Taiwan for 12 years after obtaining his master degree of photography and films in Paris. He moved to Shanghai with his families, in 2007, and makes photos and paintings for a living. Now Changyi has a photography studio in the creative industry center next to the Shanghai Railway Station.

Wet Plate Processing contributes as one major charm of his photography works. When he came to Shanghai, Changyi came to know that there are people making photos with glass plates and realized that this must be the ancient technique he had been obsessed to find. He made friends with this chemical engineer named Yangshan, and learned the complicated procedure of making photos with wet glass plate covered in collodion. Pieces developed this way are all one of a kind and can be kept for hundreds of years.

Minute lives is the subject of many of Changyi’s photography works, such as little bugs, butterflies, etc. Wet Plate Processing gives these insignificant lives a sense of timeless beauty, making the images seem to come from old natural museums that stand the test of time. Standing before Changyi’s works, what one may experience is not simply the visual effect of “the vintage”, but more importantly, a gaze into the mysterious notion of life itself.


39cm x 31cm


39cm x 31cm


39cm x 31cm

常易奇物柜Wunderkammern000082|35x28cm|Ambrotype|Christian ChambenoitWUNDERKAMMERN常易奇物柜82

28cm x 35cm

常易奇物柜Wunderkammern000078|28x35cm|Ambrotype|Christian ChambenoitWUNDERKAMMERN常易奇物柜78

28cm x 35cm

常易奇物柜Wunderkammern000075|28x35cm|Ambrotype|Christian ChambenoitWUNDERKAMMERN常易奇物柜75

28cm x 35cm

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共同的记忆——摄影作品第二季 | La mémoire collective

如是他闻  国际摄影大师联展 The Lives of Others  Group Exhibitions of International Masters of Photograph

【Artist Talk】常易 | 摄影是我的武器


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