Tempera 坦培拉:向大师致敬

Je fine art Gallery’s art world




At 7 pm, January 8th, 2016, Zhang Yue, a contemporary artist and a lecturer from the Department of Public Art at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, is going to give a lecture on tempera at Je Fine Arts Gallery. We invite you to join us to discover the world of tempera.


The artworks on display are the imitation works made by students of the Department of Public Art at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, which pay homage to the great masters of the 15th Century including Botticelli, Pierro, etc.

As a centuries old painting technique, the popularity of tempera can be traced back to Ancient Greek Times. Tempera reached its heyday around the turn of the Middle Ages and the Early Renaissance, during which it was mainly applied to church frescos and saint pictures. It is worth noting that China was also going through the peak of its art history around the same time.


Tempera paint is a mixture mainly composed of egg yolk, water and mineral pigments. Owing to the high stability and glutinous feature of egg yolk, as well as the repeating coloring process involved in the painting steps, tempera paintings are able to preserve their original color and lustre even after a long time.

杜若云章画廊 YCAG (Young Chinese Artists Groups) 项目寻找当代国际学术背景或中西方视野的年轻艺术家,欢迎丰富多元的艺术表现形式。(油画、水彩、雕塑、摄影、当代工艺品、新媒体、电影短片、当代设计皆可)。

The YCAG (Young Chinese Artists Groups) at Je Fine Arts Studio are discovering contemporary young artists who have a cross-cultural perspective or an international academic background. Every expressive form of art is welcomed, including oil painting, watercolor, sculpture, photography, video, new media, craft design, etc.


Our objective is as following: merge "west" and "east" to build up a professional international art platform, in which "west" stands for inviting outstanding, interesting and uprising foreign artists to China to join art exhibitions while "east" means introducing outstanding, interesting and uprising local artists to the international art world.


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