艺术翻转地球 | 澳大利亚艺术游学

Je fine art Gallery’s art world


Je fine art gallery: winter camp to Perth Australia

不喜欢冬季的寒冷?没问题,我们带你去夏天!想要体验艺术却没有机会?No problem,我们给你10天的沉浸式艺术体验!想要学习英语却没有语言环境?这都不是事儿,我们有一大把的澳洲艺术家和设计师期待与你交流和互动!


Hello September! Today is the day students usually go back to school and start the autumn semester. How's your summer vacation? Did you have fun? The kids from Je gallery along with their parents just got back from our summer camp to Holland and France. It has been a great adventure to the Europe!
If you didn't get the chance to explore the Eurpe with us, you don't want to miss the great art study tour to Edith Cowan University and Perth Australia in the next Feburary!


  • 与澳大利亚Edith Cowan University合作,为此次艺术游学项目量身定制课程,让小朋友体验艺术与大学生活、为家长提供重返校园的体验;
    Je gallery is collaborating with Edith Cowan University on this art study tour, we will bring you the most exotic and special art courses for the kids and their parents!640(2)640(3)
  • 游学课程结束后由Edith CowanUniversity统一签发课程证书,这不仅是游学经历的纪念,也为小朋友准备升学材料加分;
    Win your course certifications for the study.
  • 反转季节,远离北半球的冬季,一同感受夏季的澳大利亚别样风情;
    Get ride of the cold winter in China and let's have great fun in Summer Australia!
  • 丰富多彩的文化项目:3D打印、玻璃工作坊、现代绘画、艺术工作室探访、参观博物馆、与当地艺术家共同创作……我们为你提供多种创意课程,只为不断开拓小小艺术家们与家长互动的新可能性;
    We provide you different art courses: 3D printings, traditional screen printing, glass studio, oil panting, artists' talk, visiting the museums and studios...and many more options! It's going to be fun!
  • 一站式品鉴澳大利亚土著与当代艺术、与澳大利亚独特的动植物亲密接触、享受南半球美丽的自然风光;
    A great chance to know Australia, the aboriginal arts and culture, explore the exotic nature and have fun with local animals!
  • 全程澳大利亚本土艺术家、设计师英文教学,开启沉浸式英文学习;
    Study and creat arts with local Australia artists. It's a great chance to learn and practice English!
  • 深入接触澳大利亚当地年轻艺术家,共同进行艺术创作。640(6)


  • 1. 澳大利亚艺术游学活动时间:
    time: 10th Feburary 2016- 20th Feburary 2016.
  • 2. 澳大利亚艺术游学参与者:
    Participants: kids aged from 4 to 12 years old and their parents.
  • 3. 住宿:
    Stay: 5 star hotels in Perth Australia.640(7)
  • 4.游学费用:
    9月报名可享优惠!详情请电话咨询: 021-64157709
    Fees: 100,000 RMB for a family of 3, including flights/visa application/ travel insurance/ hotels/ traffic in Australia/ course fees in the art school/ tickets to museums,galleries and other venues/ materials.
    Sign up now in September and win a special discount! Call for more info: 021-64157709
  • 5. 项目计划时间表(具体课程可能会有调整)
    Schedule (draft)第一天:上海出发前往澳洲Perth
    Day 1: Shanghai to Perth, WesternAustralia640(8)640(9)
  • 第二天:上午参观ECU艾迪斯科文大学,下午艺术工作坊
    Day 2: University Tour in the morningand Art Studio on Campus in the afternoon640(10)640(11)第三天:上午参观西澳博物馆和文化介绍,下午参观西澳美术馆,海边看日落
    Day 3: WA Museum tour and Cultureintroduction in the morning and WA Art Museum tour in the afternoon, sunset onthe beach.640(12)第四天:上午参观当代美术馆、珀斯铸币厂,下午版画工作室
    Day 4: PICA tour, Perth Mint in themorning and Printing studio in the afternoon.640(13)640(14)第五天:上午参观Kings park,澳大利亚植物介绍,下午Swan river 水上游览
    Day 5: Kings park and Botanicintroduction in the morning and Swan river Tour in the afternoon.640(15)第六天:上午动物园参观,澳大利亚动物介绍,下午动物园写生创作
    Day 6: Perth Zoo tour in the morning andPainting workshop in the zoo in the afternoon.640(16)第七天:上午西澳军事博物馆,下午Fremantle当代艺术馆、Fremantle市场
    Day 7: Army Museum of WA in the morningand Fremantle contemporary museum, Fremantle Market in the afternoon.640(17)第八天:上午参观天鹅谷红酒庄园,下午玛格丽特河巧克力工厂
    Day 8: Free time or Swan Valleywinery in the morning and Margaret River Chocolate factory in the afternoon.640(18)

    Day 9: Art Lecture inthe morning and Ceremony on Campus in the afternoon.640(19)640(20)

    Day 10: Perth to Shanghai




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