薛松 | Song Xue

Je fine art Gallery’s art world


1965年出生于中国安徽,1988年毕业于上海戏剧学院舞台美术系, 现居上海,职业画家。


In the early 90s Xue’s studio was burnt down in an accidental fire. Rather than a moment of desperation Xue viewed this as an enlightenment for his artistic creation. He collected the burned remains of his earlier paintings and collaged them onto a single canvas. After the remnant pieces from the fire has been used up, he started burning new materials to use. The fire therefore had a dual nature: both destruction and rebirth. After the ablution by fire, the original meaning of the material was dissolved. The collaged fragments of history formed a background for Xue’s landscapes allowing a dialogue across time and space.


春江红亭 | 90cmX80cm 2016年 布面丙烯综合材料


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